Can You Superscore Digital and Paper Sats?

The question arises because, in the recent past, SAT all moved to an all-digital platform. The class of 2025 students falls right in the middle of the change-over, so in sat-tutor-santa-clara-ca, it might have scored both on paper and digital SATs, thus making one wonder if, even across these two different kinds of exams, SAT superscoring will still be available.

So, do any colleges superscore the new digital and paper versions of the SAT?

It will entirely depend on how each different college and university reacts to it. Generally speaking, colleges are going to superscore the digital and the paper SAT if they have usually allowed superscoring. These have included but are not limited to the following popular institutions before the transition: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Stanford, MIT, UPenn, Georgia Tech, New York University, University of Chicago, Notre Dame, and Vanderbilt. This list may be revised, and students are supposed to check with colleges and universities about superscoring policy.

Should I Take the Digital SAT?

According to most students, all in all, they are more comfortable with the digital SAT compared with the older version of the SAT. Indeed, the new SAT is designed to lessen the burden on students: shorter testing time, shorter passages, and more straightforward questions. Although it is somewhat different, and it takes some time getting used to, taking the test might help you appreciate changes that do work.

Most of all, if you feel your paper test results did not reflect your full potential, take the digital SAT. What this means is that students will need to do some deeper research on each college’s superscoring policy to appropriately make up the calendar of testing. If you haven’t tried taking the digital SAT, it may be worth your while taking, regardless of whether or not the colleges you apply to take a super score. That’s because the friendliness of the test will more or less work to the advantage of a huge number of students.

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